Lula on Lockdown

1I kept a journal of what was happening to me and my countrymen in the first few months of the lockdown. In six months, roughly 283,000 Filipinos got afflicted with Covid-19 with almost 5,000 dead. In six months, the country’s largest media network was shut down, the national health insurance organization was plundered, and the citizens subjected to all manner of community quarantine, from GCQ and ECQ to MECQ and MGCQ.

With the state of calamity extended to another year, yes, another freaking year, we may be looking at endless days of lockdown; the government doesn’t seem to want us to come out of our houses, and onto the streets, anytime soon.

What’s comforting is that I am writing again. With time on my hands and thoughts in my head, the pandemic has spurred me to write, and here I am with a piece, not as long as our lockdown, but with all the thoughts, feelings, and pursuits which occupy my days.

Kick back, and click the link: LongestLockdown

Stay safe. Stay sane.


Gen X Lula

About Me

Welcome to Lula Land! Your Lula is Jing Lejano, single mom of four, lula of one, writer, editor, gardener, optimist.