• How watching 200 K-Dramas changed my life

    How watching 200 K-Dramas changed my life

    Cherry Navarro Manansala has been watching K-Dramas long before Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin crash landed into our lives. A working mother of two, she chanced upon Princess Hours while pregnant in 2006. An alternate history drama, it featured Kim Jeong Hoon, Yoon Eun Hye, and Joo Ji Hoon. Cherry remembered watching it on and…

  • How Paulina Porizkova sparked gray pride

    How Paulina Porizkova sparked gray pride

    Love her? Hate her? However you feel about Paulina Porizkova, there is no denying she has sparked a nerve by baring her grief and depression, wrinkles and buttocks at age 56. My first memory of Paulina was of a luscious teenager who graced the cover of Sports Illustrated in 1984. She was 18 then, from…

  • Why we should keep fighting for our future

    Why we should keep fighting for our future

    It never ceases to amaze me, how a spark of good intentions could summon up the generosity of strangers towards a common cause. A few months ago, we were rattled out of our pandemic-induced hibernation with one photograph. Of course, we knew that our fellow Filipinos were starving, but the lot of us didn’t know…

  • How I went back to 1984 with a millennial and a Zoomer or the magic of digital restoration

    How I went back to 1984 with a millennial and a Zoomer or the magic of digital restoration

    It’s inevitable that parents pass on their taste, or lack thereof, to their children. For better or worse, my children have had to endure a pop culture menu top billed by Annie Lenox, The Clash, The Doors, Ella, Marvin, King, Spielberg, Star Wars, and Kubrick. I shudder to think of how watching their mother sing…

  • How an old fart became a global phenomenon or why I love the Bernie Sanders meme

    How an old fart became a global phenomenon or why I love the Bernie Sanders meme

    Of all the the images which came out of the inauguration of Joe Biden as president of the United States, none had as much impact as Senator Bernie Sanders sitting by his lonesome, masked and mittened. Most of the major players chose their attire deliberately, making sure they had their messaging right. Kamala Harris took…